26.2 Marathon Stories
26.2 Marathon Stories, by Roger Robinson & Kathrine Switzer
"It should be assigned a special place on every runner's coffee table. But don't be surprised if you can't put it down until you have savored each one of the 26.2 chapters. It covers the history, the mental and physical challenges, the contrasts, and the diversity of cultures all sharing one goal, to reach the finish line. And the accompanying photography is stunning. If you want to truly experience the marathon in all its glory, take a run with 26.2 Marathon Stories". - Lindsey Molloy, Cool Running
"The best combination of inspiring photos and memorable essays I've ever seen in a running book".- Amby Burfoot, Executive Editor, Runner's World
"26.2 Marathon Stories is, simply, the Book of the Marathon. It has been called one of the best five running books of all time" (Runner's World). "In short, clear, and brilliantly illustrated chapters, it takes you around the world and through every aspect of a great sport. It is the favorite race-eve reading of hundreds of runners who want inspiration. Every page adds value to the sport you love".
"Excellent balance between text and images. All types of runners and would-be runners will find plenty in this book to identify with". Gary Nesbitt, review in Athletics New Zealand News, 2006
"26.2 Marathon Stories" is now available, personally signed, for the much reduced price of US$16/NZ$20 plus $4 S&H (original cost US$39.95). A small further reduction to cost price is possible for race directors buying in quantities of 16 or more as race awards. With all books, if you would like copies personalized, please indicate name(s) with preferred spelling and any other required detail, such as birthday.
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